Day 123: Greening My New Year’s Resolutions

Day 123: Greening My New Year's Resolutions

Over the next few months I’m going to do my best to limit my consumption of plastic items and eating more seasonal and local produce.

How are you going to green up your life in 2010?

  • josetemelo
    Sua idéia é maravilhosa. A conheci na revista Vida Simples. Vou divulgá-la e tentar seguir sua dicas. Tudo de bom para você.
    Sorry, I don't speak English very well.
  • Mike Lieberman
    Thanks Jose. Agradeço a seguir.
  • What's that piece of paper in your hand?
  • Mike Lieberman
    It's the guide to harvest times and availability in New York State.
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