Day 126: Limited My Shaving

Day 126: Limited My Shaving

I haven’t shaved my face in a few weeks.

Besides still looking pretty and maintaining my boyish good looks, this has also helped to save water.

When I do shave I turn off the faucet and use my Retro Razor.

According to the American Water Works Association, Daily indoor per capita water use in the typical single family home is 69.3 gallons with 15.7% of that going to faucets.

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • Karina
    Hair and fur are a nuisance. I hope some day a scientist discovers a way to turn them into something really useful, so we can recycle them.
    For now, It appears to be working on a campaign to prevent the oil leaked from British Petroleum to reach the shores of the USA.
    See site
  • For now most hair gets flushed down the drain.
  • Me too! I haven't shaved my face in weeks either. Maybe I should take care of the tiny bit of fuzz I sometimes get over my lip. Nah, that wouldn't be green. Just kidding. I love your site.
  • Thanks Beth! I have an idea - you could tweeze it and make a collection. After a few years you could make a sock for a Barbie doll or something. Now that would be some green work. Haha.
  • Ben
    I really wish I could grow a big huge mangly beard. Unfortunately, the job and wife don't appreciate the Appalachian look as much as me.
  • Haha. I think I might see how long I can go this time. I just shave my neck and clean up the Ewok fuzz on the cheeks.
  • The beard is looking sweet. I propose you grow it out all winter--no shaving until the first day of spring. Plus it would keep your face warm while you're doing your pull-ups in the park this winter!
  • I'll see how far I can go with it. Usually after about 6 weeks or so, it starts to get itchy and annoying.
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