Day 135: Received Hand Me Down Pots and Pans From Grandmother

Day 135: Received Hand Me Down Pots and Pans From Grandmother

I took some old pots and pans from my Grandmother.

Not only does this save me money, but it also reduces the amount of energy that goes into creating new ones.

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • glueandglitter
    Aw, what a cute pictures! Mine was wearing a hoodie and turning down the heat.
  • Mike Lieberman
    Jealous. I wish I could turn down the heat in my apt. The buildings in NY are crazy. My windows are all jacked open. Such a waste.
  • glueandglitter
    That's nuts! Our windows are single pane and huge in the front of the house, and it helps if I put a pillow in front of them. Is there anything you can do? You must be freezing in there!
  • Mike Lieberman
    That's the thing. In NYC apt buildings they blast the heat (have to by law), so I open the windows, so I don't die of the heat.
  • glueandglitter
    Ohh gotcha. That must be so frustrating!
  • Mike Lieberman
    It's so dry from the heat. I had a humidifier but that just made it hotter. My windows are literally wide open.
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