Archive for the ‘How to Go Green at the Grocery Store’ Category

Day 353: Refilled Soap Dispenser at Store

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Day 353: Refilled Soap Dispenser at Store
Refilled my container of Dr. Bronner’s Soap at the bulk section of the store. Continue reading

Day 352: Bought Fair-Trade Organic Tea

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Day 352: Bought Fair-Trade Organic Tea
Bought tea that was fair-trade and organic. Continue reading

Day 351: Bought Non-GMOd Food

Monday, August 16th, 2010

Day 351: Bought Non-GMOd Food
Selected non-GMOd product instead of the GMOd version. Continue reading

Day 350: Bought Local Produce Instead of Transported

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Day 350: Bought Local Produce Instead of Transported
Bought locally grown strawberries instead of ones that were shipped from South America. Continue reading

Day 349: Bought Organic Produce Over Conventional

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Day 349: Bought Organic Produce Over Conventional
Chose organic produce over conventional. Continue reading

Day 346: Bought Non-Wrapped Produce

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Day 346: Bought Non-Wrapped Produce
Bought loose produce instead of in the plastic packaging. Continue reading

Day 333: Bought Toilet Paper in Bulk

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Day 333: Bought Toilet Paper in Bulk
Purchased toilet paper in bulk. Continue reading

Day 273: Bought Fair Trade, Organic, Shade Grown Coffee

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Day 273: Bought Fair Trade, Organic, Shade Grown Coffee
Purchased coffee that was organic, fair trade and shade grown. Continue reading

Day 196: Used Reusable Grocery Bag

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Day 196: Used Reusable Grocery Bag
Used a reusable grocery bag. Continue reading

Day 191: Didn’t Use Plastic Produce Bag

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Day 191: Didn't Use Plastic Produce Bag
Put my produce straight into my cart instead of a plastic produce bag. Continue reading