Day 70: Set Up and Filled A Worm Compost Bin

Day 70: Set Up and Filled A Worm Compost Bin

I finally caved in and set up a worm bin in my apartment to compost.

I’ve had an indoor aerobic compost bin set up for a while and putting newspaper and food scraps to it.

I’m hoping that the worms can go through my food scraps quicker because I’m going to the local community compost about four times a week.

According to the NYC Composting Program, “The average New York City household discards two pounds of organic waste each day—adding up to more than one million tons of organic material a year.”

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • Dave B.
    glad to see you went this route! We started a worm bin in the house in march, started with 1/2 pound of worms, and have given away at least 7 pounds as of now, and the bin is still full!.. The worms will speed up the process a great deal.. and the fly traps you suggested worked out great!
  • Mike Lieberman
    Cool. I put in the shredded newspaper, 1/2lb of worms and some food scraps to start. It's been about 5 days and have just been letting it sit. Is that what I'm supposed to do?
  • Tammy in Tn
    Nevermind the questions. I learned all I need to know at Great tutorials. It seems very ambitious to start composting in the kitchen, and I am afraid of mess, leakage and stink. I'll be following how things go with the worms.
  • Mike Lieberman
    Thanks Tammy. Glad you found the gardening site as well. I need to better tie the two together. I have another blog as well, see if you can find that one as well :-)

    I had some problems with my other compost bin when I first started, you can read about that on the other site. I generate a lot of food scraps. They're nearly all of my trash.

    I started with the worms hoping that they can handle the majority of them. I'll still likely be going to the community spot, but hopefully not as frequently. I'm currently going 3-4 times a week.

    Get your bin started. Just take it slow.
  • Tammy in Tn
    Very cool, I can't wait to hear how it is going. What do you do with the compost that is left? Also- how much material do can you actually compost? Do you think you will still have to use the community compost?

    This is very exciting.
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