Day 62: Refilled Shower Soap Bottle

Day 62 - Refilled Shower Soap Bottle

I refilled the bottle of shower soap that I use instead of tossing it away.

According to GreenFeet, Americans generate 10.5 million tons of plastic waste a year but recycle only 1 or 2 % of it. Check out more quick facts on plastic pollution.

  • Jennaya
    I use natural bars of soap, it saves on packaging and it's heaps better for my skin
  • Mike Lieberman
    Nice. That's also a good one. Which brand do you like best?
  • Jennaya
    I get them from local markets (also saves on transport too!) so there's no specific brand I like the best, but I love ones made with goats milk, it's great for dry skin. Olive oil based ones a great too because it's a natural moisturiser.
  • Mike Lieberman
    Good call. I should look into local ones at the Farmers Market. Winter would likely be a bad time to start lookin though.
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