Day 198: Used Soda Bottle As A Funnel

Day 198: Used Soda Bottle As A Funnel
Cut the top part of a soda bottle off, inverted it and used as a funnel.

According to, “It is estimated that the production of plastics accounts for 4 percent of the energy consumption in the U.S.” Get more facts about plastic bottles.

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • taylen
    my mom used this trick all the time growing up...such a perfect use for the bottle...and you still have the bottom half as a flower pot, cup, whatever!
  • Mike Lieberman
    Someone said that you could use the bottom half as juicer, but wasn't able to make that work.
  • taylen
    hmmm interesting idea...yeah, seems like it would be tough to pull off many great uses for everything, though. be like native americans and bison - use every part!
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