Day 73: Declined ATM Receipt
November 12th, 2009
I said “No” when asked for a receipt for my ATM transaction. Continue reading
I said “No” when asked for a receipt for my ATM transaction. Continue reading
Used an old record to make a fruit bowl. Continue reading
Potted indoor plants in my room to help clean and purify the air. Continue reading
Caved in and set up the worm bin to compost in my kitchen. Continue reading
Wrote on the blank side of an already used piece of paper. Continue reading
Cleaned my room out of more books and donated them to the local library. Continue reading
Donated a big bag of clothing to a charity. Continue reading
Readjusted the temperature in my fridge and freezer. Continue reading
Found a use for an old business card and made an iPhone stand. Continue reading
Used a plastic container as a piggy bank. Continue reading