Day 73: Declined ATM Receipt

November 12th, 2009

Day 73: Declined ATM Receipt
I said “No” when asked for a receipt for my ATM transaction. Continue reading

Day 72: Made A Bowl Out of A Record

November 11th, 2009

Day 72: Made A Bowl Out of Record
Used an old record to make a fruit bowl. Continue reading

Day 71: Planted Plants In My Room

November 10th, 2009

Day 71: Planted Plants In My Room
Potted indoor plants in my room to help clean and purify the air. Continue reading

Day 70: Set Up and Filled A Worm Compost Bin

November 9th, 2009

Day 70: Set Up and Filled A Worm Compost Bin
Caved in and set up the worm bin to compost in my kitchen. Continue reading

Day 69: Reused Paper To Write On

November 8th, 2009

Day 69: Reused Paper To Write On
Wrote on the blank side of an already used piece of paper. Continue reading

Day 68: Donated Books to Library

November 7th, 2009

Day 68: Donated Books to Library
Cleaned my room out of more books and donated them to the local library. Continue reading

Day 67: Donated Clothes to Charity

November 6th, 2009

Donated a big bag of clothing to a charity. Continue reading

Day 66: Adjusted the Temperatures on my Refrigerator and Freezer

November 5th, 2009

Day 66: Adjusted the Temperatures on my Refrigerator and Freezer

Readjusted the temperature in my fridge and freezer. Continue reading

Day 65: Made iPhone Stand Using A Business Card

November 4th, 2009

Day 65: Made iPhone Stand Using A Business Card
Found a use for an old business card and made an iPhone stand. Continue reading

Day 64: Used Plastic Container to Store Change

November 3rd, 2009

Day 64: Used Plastic Container to Store Change
Used a plastic container as a piggy bank. Continue reading