Day 55: Lent Book To Friend
October 25th, 2009
Loaned a friend a book that he wanted to read. Continue reading
Loaned a friend a book that he wanted to read. Continue reading
Used a Preserve razor when shaving this morning. Continue reading
Brought my food scraps to drop off at the community compost stand. Continue reading
Used a toilet paper made from recycled paper. Continue reading
Reused a soda bottle and apple cider vinegar to make a fruit fly catcher. Continue reading
My friend needed a digital camera, so I gave him one that I had laying around. Continue reading
Received a pair of hand me down sneakers from a friend. Continue reading
Cut up an old t-shirt and used to clean my kitchen countertop. Continue reading
In purchasing a ticket for an even online, I chose to go paperless and have my name left on a list at the door. Continue reading
Used phone books to raise the containers off of the metal on my fire escape garden. Continue reading